The intention of Aktion Wüstenwald e.V.-desert-forest association is the sustainable re-greening of deserts and drylands.


How do you as a German suddenly end up in Gambia?

Actually very easy - there is no visa requirement and English is spoken there. Furthermore, Gambia is not that far away from our main topic - a "water-supported Great Green Wall" in Mauritania. With a bit of luck you can drive up there by car.
The Gambia is a very small country within the borders of Senegal, but reunification under the country name Senegambia failed in the 1980s. In 2017, ex-President Jammeh had to leave the country. Trials are currently being held against his brutal henchmen in Germany and Switzerland.


For the younger readers - In Germany in the 60s, many towns only had gravel roads and maybe 3-5 cars. No TV - one or two telephones in the whole town - in the village tavern and the grocery store - but at least everyone already had an oven - for cooking -


Farms located outside the towns also had no electricity connection in Germany.


The hygienic conditions in Gambia are currently catastrophic. If the outside temperature is over 30°C, fresh food will quickly become inedible without refrigeration. When stored openly, the expiry date is 3 days - as soon as there is no abundant fishing, the daily requirements of the population can no longer be met. Shops in the capital, some of which have freezers, are not changing this much - on the one hand they are not available to fishermen or traders and on the other hand customers cannot get there.

COOLING CENTER means giving traders and fishermen the opportunity to switch from the previous wet cooling in rancid freezers with ice to dry cooling.

This is not a given.

The contents of these chests are the existence of these people - I know from conversations that they have little or no trust in the pure promise. They have been disappointed too often.


COOLING CENTER means guaranteeing the promised cooling performance 365 days a year.

As obvious as it is to us, only reliable cooling and freezing performance makes it possible to portion and fillet food. The blast freezer is the beginning of the cold chain, without which there would be no retail trade today. Only a functioning COOLING CENTER would make it possible to train people to become butchers. (Image-Liebherr)


Donate for Gambia


Aktion Wüstenwald e.V.


Sparkasse Mainfranken Würzburg

IBAN: DE68 7905 0000 0046 7960 82


Thomas Lüftl
IBAN: DE38 1001 0010 0124 3721 04


An old market hall as a model.

A COOLING CENTER is not a supermarket.

Traders-wholesalers and fishermen work hand in hand in open markets. A market hall basically adopts this concept - only the standard should change.

We don't want to become retailers




We create a secure energy supply that allows retailers to switch to dry cooling.


Carbon Farming UAE 2013

Carbon farming.pdf
PDF-Dokument [289.8 KB]


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Wer das Öl von 5000 Bäumen verheizt, um 500 neue zu bewässern, verursacht ein ökologisches Desaster.

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